
千禧机电股份有限公司系中德合资企业。成立于1995年成立,公司位于东方酒乡—宿迁,拥有15年的出口历史,公司总投资5500万人民币。占地18000多平方米,现有员工300多名,技术人员40多人,交通方便,南靠徐淮盐高速和京杭大运河,北靠京沪高速,东靠淮阴涟水机场,水陆空交通非常便捷 公司主要从事生产加工汽车配件,船用锚机,游艇五金,船用门窗,民用轻型直升机等不锈钢铸造件的高科技企业。产品主要出口北美和欧州。公司通过iso/9001:2000质量休系认证。公司有能力为客户提供高效、优质的配套能力与服务。 在市场激烈竞争的今天,千禧人坚信自己 mstad 品牌 企业将会立足国内,面向世界。面对风云变换的经济全球化,我们坚信,创新的发展是千禧人不变的追求。坚持互赢互利是我们一贯不变的宗旨。我司衷心希望与各界朋友建立长久、良好的合作关系! introduction the millenium machinery & electrical, is a german-china joint venture enterprise which was established in we are located in suqian,a famous village with her traditional chinese distillate spirits products and it is accessible easily from the south byxuhuiyan express way and jinghang canal; from the north by jinghu express way or you can fly in to the huaiyang liangshui airport at the we are involved in the export market for over 15 we had invested 5,500million reminbi on a 18,000 square meters right now we have more than 300 workers and 40 our products have passed international professional iso 9001:2000 quality management system certificate and mainly exported to usa and europe we are a main spare parts suppliers for automobil and light aircrafts besides that we also produce high quality casting hardwares for marine industrials like anchor windlass, sliding window, siding door, pantograph door, hinged door, transom door, fuel/water tank, anchor roller, windshield, radar arch, anchor light bracket, stainless steel rub rail, davit, railing, stanchion base, safety handrail, fly bridge ladder, engine room ladder, swim ladder, deck drain, engine bearer, engine exhaust system, steering wheel, hi-low table pedestal, remote control hi-low tv mechanism, hatch handle, shaft strut, rudder blade and so [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:江苏 宿迁市 千禧工业园8号 浙ICP备17016739号-4
